Made for Each Other


They were made for each other.
He was a trainspotter,
And she was chuffed to have met him.
She was a Pisces
And he looked a bit like a trout.
They were definitely made for each other.

His favourite music was grime.
And she worked for Windowlene.
She liked doing jigsaws
And he liked eating biscuits.
They both started with the edges first.

I love you to the Moon and back, he said.
She said, what if it’s a full moon?
He said, I’ll come back when it’s empty.
He said this with a twinkle in his eye
Which he was due to see the doctor about.
He said he was an artist, a genius
when he had a brush in his hand.
She said, great,
I need the bathroom decorating.

He was a locksmith.
She held the key to his heart.
The other was left with a neighbour.
They composed a melody about Haribo Gummi bears.
When they were together
They made such sweet music.

She only celebrated World Book Day
Which is just as well because
He had a collection of atlases.
One day they were walking when a
Protractor fell from the sky.
He looked into her eyes and said,
‘heaven must be missing an angle’.

He was a pessimist.
She told him to stick his chin out.
It didn’t work.
The bus went straight past.
She told him that she was an optimist.
He said, so’s my sister.
She works in Specsavers.

She was so resourceful.
When the cat died she turned it
Into a footstool.
It looked awful
But at least it was made from Scratch.
They both loved animals.
He said, have you seen the dog bowl?
She said, yes, and he’s good
At snooker, too.

They had similar interests.
He read War and Peace
And she posted a lot on Twitter.
Both have 280 characters.
He was a terrible speller.
He made a big banner,
She said,
Who’s Mary?

He said,
Will you always remember me?
She said, yes.
He said,
Will you always always remember me?
She said, yes, yes.
He said,
Will you always always always remember me?
She said, yes, yes, yes!
He said, knock knock?
She said, who’s there?

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